How to increase website page speed?

Increase Website Page Speed
I have been busy developing my website and added a lot of plugins such as messenger bot, ad plugins to monetize my blog, but didn’t check the website page speed. It is rightly said that the first impression is the last impression. Page speed is one of the important factors in judging performance. Users not only judge the individual content of the web page but also the design and speed of the web page. This is a performance evaluation which is made not just by the user visiting your website, but by search engines as well. In this post, you will learn not only how to increase your website page speed but also to optimize your site. Also, you can check about Click Through rate to engage your audience.
You can increase instant traffic by Search Engine Marketing. But for the long run I recommend you follow proper Search Engine Optimization technique.
Even for me it’s a big turn down when I open any lagging website or a website flooded with a lot of ads. I expect any website to be open within a few seconds and I skip the lagging sites which increases the bounce rate of that particular site. Google server records this behavior and my page rank is determined accordingly. Hence I decided to write about how to increase website page speed.
What is page speed ?
Page speed in simple term is the time taken by website to load on users screen. Page speed can be different on mobile version and on desktop version. The actual speed of a web page is generally defined by one of two factors: the time it takes to fully load the page content; or “time to first byte”, the time it takes the end user’s browser to receive the ‘first byte’ from the web server.
Search Engine Visibility effect :
Google crawlers takes into account the improved SEO site while ranking sites known. Therefore, if you want you website to appear higher in specific keyword search results, you’ll need to follow SEO planner and avoid these mistakes.
Now that you understand what website speed is and why it’s important, it’s time to do something about yours. Below, you will learn how to improve your website’s performance to make your sure that your users and Google servers are happy to see your site.
How can I check my website speed ?
I personally use two tool for checking my page speed. There could be many tools but I follow the guidelines and suggestions from Google Page Speed Insight and GTmetrix. Below are the three errors which I faced after checking my website speed.
Reduce server response times (TTFB)
Eliminate render-blocking resources
Avoid landing page redirects
Serve scaled images
Server Time Response Multiple Landing Page URL’s Higher image size.
I will show you how to avoid this errors step by step . I hope you followed proper guidelines to start a blog.
How to reduce server response times (TTFB )
P.S I am not a coder but I can surely solve your problems like I solved mine. I suggest you to use responsive themes by ThemeIsle WordPress. As mentioned earlier about the mistakes that I made was using the wrong theme. I am currently using Neve Theme which is fast , responsive ,mobile friendly , and suitable with number of plugins available for WordPress. You can download it for free at no additional cost by clicking here.
How to eliminate Render blocking resources
The best way to eliminate these issues is by installing a plugin called Autoptimize. It is one of the best plugins I installed so far. It helps me to aggregate, minify and cache scripts and styles and injects CSS in the page head by default. And also inline critical CSS and defer the aggregated full CSS, move and defers scripts to the footer, and minifies HTML.
How to avoid landing page redirects
Landing page redirects is basically multiple urls to your home page. Server tries to connect to the home page by scrolling all the available urls. Below are the urls for my site and i redirected all to one url only.
You can click any of the URLs and it will land you on the same page. In order to fix this you need to add www. on your URLs using WordPress dashboard. Go to dashboard > General Setting > WordPress address URL.

How to serve scaled image
Well again there are a number of plugins available to reduce the size of your images. It can cost you with new JS script or another CSS errors. And sometimes your image doesn’t load due to the option of lazy load. So the best thing to do is compress your image manually. I personally use a file optimizer for compressing my images. It is the best practise to avoid multiple CSS codes in your website. All above images are optimized by using file optimizer.

Apart from size you need to resize your image as per the suggestion. You dont need any special software for resizing,you can simply do it in paint on your laptop or computer.

As you can see above, GTmetrix is describing the problem which you need to solve to improve your page speed. So instead of relying on plugins try to resize your images manually.
Finally after struggling for a few days in order to improve my website page speed, I can conclude that the above steps are found to be very useful to me. My website speed improved well after following the above steps. Your website might be having other errors, but in case of the above errors you can surely count on me.
Results from Google Page Speed insight Results from GTmetrix
leticia · June 1, 2020 at 12:41 pm
Thanks very in-depth, will save this to go through and check mine later
Corinne · June 2, 2020 at 3:05 am
I’m always looking for ways to speed up my site and this is very helpful, thank you.
kumamonjeng · June 12, 2020 at 12:02 pm
This is useful as I learn so much. I know what to do with my site now in order to get the speed faster.
Catherine · June 12, 2020 at 3:21 pm
Great tips! I’ve been looking into this for my own site…thank you for sharing!
Melissa Cushing · June 12, 2020 at 3:39 pm
OK…. seriously this post was made for me. I am spending the rest of today working on my site and appreciate this super informative post! I have also favorited to come back anytime so thank you for sharing!
Annette, 3 Little Buttons · June 12, 2020 at 6:48 pm
These are great tips. I definitely think that a super slow loading blog page can really put you off sticking around for it to load. I’ll have to check my blogs speed out after reading this.
Kristine Nicole Alessandra · June 12, 2020 at 11:03 pm
Oh goodness. This is something I have to look into later. I do not know much about these things but if it would affect my website’s performance, I will definitely have to make the necessary revisions. Thanks for letting me know about page speed.
Cristina Petrini · June 13, 2020 at 4:36 pm
I read this article with great interest on a topic that interests me greatly!
Melissa Cushing · June 14, 2020 at 8:22 pm
Amazing article and have been back to learn more so thank you! I always appreciate posts that help others and this is something that I needed a nudge with. 🙂
Stephanie · June 14, 2020 at 8:57 pm
Oh thank you, this is on my list to do to speed up my site.
Joseph Lloyd · June 15, 2020 at 9:14 am
Hey Mubin, would recommend the use of GIF images in article cover images? I find I attract more readers who scroll through from the web page but dont have an understanding how GIF images versus normal photo images can affect the performance of a page. Generally from a mobile I dont notice a difference but on the odd ocassion when using public Wi-Fi networks in cafes or airports notice a difference in loading times.
Jay Aguirre · June 16, 2020 at 4:54 am
Ooh this is some great advice. I need to start implementing some of these tools to make sure my site is as fast as possible
Kelly · June 17, 2020 at 5:42 pm
Wow there are so many great tips and tricks in this post. My website seems to load OK, but there are always things I can improve.
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