Police violence : Lockdown heroes or villian

I appreciate the efforts of police and authorities to keep us safe during the pandemic. Undoubtedly people are ignorant about the gravity of the situation and should be kept in check to ensure the safety of the nation. But does that mean police can misuse their power and are answerable to no one? is Police violence during lockdown justified? Is Police
Someone rightly said that Indians need vaccine against stupidity. While many are chilling at their homes staying safe and relaxing. Police officers are on the street; risking thier safety, away from thier families and cannot enjoy the luxury to stay home.
Police violence Lockdown Heroes
When your kids don’t listen to you what do you do? shout at them? cut their pocket money? limit their TV sessions? and if nothing works you end up hitting them. Frustration and stress are the main reasons for such drastic measures. Similarly, police officers are under stress, they are on roads away from family trying to break the chain.
But there are people who do not care about the lockdown. These people harm themselves and are dangerous to others. They will never fail to prove their stupidity. A lot of violators videos have been circulating on the internet. Most of the violators are youth. They are charging them with batons is probably justified because – Lato k Bhooth Hatho se nahi Maante

Police Violence Lockdown Villians
It is very sad and disappointing when police misuse their power. In many cases, they don’t investigate the reason people are on the streets. Even if some people have a genuine reason to leave their homes; they have become victims of police brutality. Police do not have the right to hit civilians without any justification. One baton or two baton is more than enough to discipline the public. But hitting them continuously and brutally is not justifiable.
Some people have even lost their lives because of the police violence.
Indian Police Are Being Accused of Beating a Man to Death for Violating the Coronavirus Lockdown
Disturbing videos are circulating of police officers beating and humiliating people who they believe have violated the new nationwide lockdown
Read full article on vice.com

Lockdown death: Kin blame cops, cop claims Mumbai man is lynched for robbery
The kin of a 22-year-old Mumbai man on Monday alleged that he is beaten to death by police. After that he is found dead outdoors during the lockdown.
Read more at Deccan Herald
My uncle became an innocent viticim of such a crime. He is working at a NGO for providing medical supplies for the locality. Yesterday the police stopped his supply van suddenly and asked him to come out. The moment he stepped out police officer started hitting him without uttering a word. After 10 blows he said “where is your mask ? ” and gave the 11th blow.
My uncle felt so angry and he wanted to retaliate but he was helpless. My uncle had just removed the mask for drinking water a few minutes ago; he was not out on the street to break the law or challenge the authorities, but clearly the officer did not care. My uncle is now at home, waiting for the injuries to heal. he has a family of 5 and is the sole bread earner. Thank you police for your bravery.
Can Police be more Polite ? Imposing fines on violations is an alternative. Violence is not the solution.Government should define the penalties for breaking the law. Adhar card is linked with banks, police officers can note violators adhar number and penalize them. And if force is required it should be in proportion to the crime committed.
How to stop violators :
- Rs.1 lakh fine for a person deliberately transmitting the disease to others.
- Rs.50,000 fine if a person is aware that he have been infected and do not notify the authorities
- Rs.1 lakh fine for infected person leaving the house / hospital.
- Leaving home unnecessary Rs. 30,000 fine and vehicle seizeing.
- Leaving home without mask Rs. 20,000 fine along with above other fines.
- Rs.1 lakh fine for whoever invites or organises gatherings, meetings, private and public celebrations.
Bank can deduct the fines from violators bank account after their consent on the acknowledgement form with a 45 days notice period.
Lockdown is taking place all over the world and other countries are able to keep the situation under control without violence. I think education is the key. And there are a lot of other ways to control the public with do not involve brutality that our country can learn from.

Police se dar nai lagta saab, fine se dar lagta hai
should be the new formula to control the violence.
That’s all about from Mubin’s manual.